Salutations from the team at Raven Canticle Press!

We’ve long been quiet here, unintentionally we’re afraid. Events out of our control (illness, real world events, and other dreary obstacles) conspired to dramatically delay our ability to launch Raven Canticle Press from a position of strength. Compounded by technological difficulty (an email domain error, coupled with other issues) that caused us to lose a slew of submissions we were in the midst of reviewing, and we find ourselves having to start nearly fresh, despite never having really started yet.

So first, to those authors who sent submissions and never got a response. We’re deeply, truly sorry. We know how submissions are an act of trust towards a publisher (especially towards a small press), and the failure on our side to respond and speak with you wasn’t how we intended to put our first steps forward into the publishing space. Our sincerest and most heart-felt apologies. We hope you will consider us again as things move forward, and if we ever get a chance to reach out to you and apologize directly (if by some miracle these emails appear back on the server one day), we will absolutely do so.

Secondly, and on a happier note, we’re happy to mention we’ve signed our first round of novels and novellas to come out in the next several months, as well as a collection of short stories from some authors we’re quite the fans of. These announcements will begin in the next few weeks as the details (and cover reveals) are finalized.

Finally, we’re preparing the first issue of Valravn for release, collecting short stories and articles. Our hope is to start with Valravn, using the funds from it to begin our first anthology (which we will announce soon!) We’re currently reviewing our submission process and ensuring we’re equipped to avoid any issues in the future, but expect news on that front in the near future.

For now, expect to hear from us soon, and we’ll press forward.

  • The Publisher & Raven Canticle Press